Friday 31 March 2017



Don’t you wonder why we are wallowing in one situation that sometimes doesn’t happen and it’s all in our mind. Because we care a lot! We care for that person too much or what will happen in the future, we are afraid to do something or to argue with someone. We over think because we are afraid to do something wrong, hurt someone or we visualize the future that might happen or something bad might happen. We humans are sinners that many of us doesn’t care about their surroundings and to the people who care for them, some things seems not right that you feel heavy burdens but you still care for others but how about yourself? Does anyone care about you?? That’s how we start over thinking by asking a lot of question that’s running inside our head that we didn’t know how or where we will get the answer.

Thursday 16 March 2017

Worrying about your life.

No matter how blessed you are, you will encounter problems/struggle whenever or wherever you are. You can’t move forward because something is pulling you back from your past but it’s just a normal thing in life, the key is you just need to live your life on the present day, don’t think about your past or your  future. Just always focus on what you have today and always cherish every moment even if it’s not good because maybe, tomorrow will not come for you. Today, there’s a lot of people who are taking their last breath. So be glad, smile and stand up. Fight for your life, for your future, no matter how hard it is, Don’t stop chasing your dream.
Don’t let your dreams be dreamed forever, take a chance and make a way to let it happen”

“Love yourself”

Everything come and go. Even you treasure all the love in others… they will be gone in your life. There’s nothing permanent in this world even yourself. No matter what happen to you, you yourself only can end all of those burdens and struggles. But be thankful because it will help you become stronger and build yourself. Just Keep Fighting! God is with you in Good times and in bad times.🤗
“What doesn’t kill you make you stronger”

Mad😡 and Love for kinds of relationship ❤

Sometimes we get mad even on simple things, because we care for the people we love. Getting mad, having a fight or quarrel makes your relationship stronger because it test your trust, loyalty, Friendship, Love, Honesty and care for the people you have in your life.
“I’m not the type of PERSON who gives up on someone. Yes, sometimes I get really mad and upset, but I just need a minute to cool down, BUT I’ll NEVER ABANDON YOU. I DONT LEAVE PEOPLE. That’s why it always hurt so bad when people leave me” -Synthopia


W hy do we need to be hurt before realizing the worth of the person?           Well, I think God wants us to realize and know the wort...