Thursday 16 March 2017


             People now a days are so judgemental, If a man cries for a little things or he is over dramatic about what he feel it doesn't mean that he is not a real man , it only means that he is a soft hearted person. WE have different pain tolerance and how we perceive  things.... Sometimes people take some advantage to those who are soft hearted .They easily hurt them  just fun or to take some benefits from them. Don't you think that they will be your golden treasure or a golden friend that one in a million,??? don't wait for your karma.. maybe now you don't realized his/her worth but maybe one day he/she will gone to your life and never comeback and that's the time only that you realized that he/she is important to you and hard to lived without him/her. Be glad to have them even they are dramatic because those who are softhearted will understand your problem when you open to them.. they easily understand the pains in life.

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W hy do we need to be hurt before realizing the worth of the person?           Well, I think God wants us to realize and know the wort...