Friday 10 March 2017


Why those who are loyal are the ones who always hurt by the person that they love and give even their selves? Isn't  it enough? Why it needs to happen ?? It's not fair right? 

Those who give even their selves to their love but seems that it's not enough, it just means they are not worth it.. He/she didn't see your effort you put in every thing you gave to him/her. The thing that makes me annoyed is why they realize the worth of the person once he/she left in his/her life and already move on? That's stupidity.. Not everyone is deserved for a SECOND CHANCE, those who are really determined to get your forgiveness and regret everything they've done to you are the only deserves to forgive.  Sometimes we look so stupid because even they hurt us repeatedly, we still there at their side to support and give them happiness but everything has an ending.. . .The hardest thing is to have a regretion to the person you can't have anymore and can't get their forgiveness.  Sometimes being kind and loyal is a wrong thing because some person abused it.. It's hard to explain to those close minded person that doesn't care about anyone but only to their self.😒
I know someday. . those who hurt us will regret that they leave us and gone to their lives. They will realized that we are worth than a diamond.🤔

It happens to build our self to become stronger and it becomes a way to reach our destiny. Just always bear in mind that you are worth and maybe that person is not deserve to your love and effort. i know it's seems so unfair because only one side hurt and suffer but maybe you are the first to suffer and he/she will be the last... Just bear in mind that you are worth ! They will suffer too after they realized that you wont comeback to his/her life.🤔

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W hy do we need to be hurt before realizing the worth of the person?           Well, I think God wants us to realize and know the wort...